Form Us With Love recently created the Nest Collection for +Halle. The series provides an unpronounced divider to the traditional lounge area, by simply creating layers of both high and low seating. The heights offers a sense of privacy, whilst maintaining the comfort of a relaxed armchair.
June is the most popular month to tie the knot, and those looking to plan their fairy-tale wedding next year need to start with the right ring—right now. Of course, not every girl is the same, so we gathered a selection of the best pieces to suit the style of every soon-to-be-bride. Fans of Downton
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The Road Trip Collection is expected to create buzz among jewelry lovers worldwide. The new collection from Jerin Scott is all about creating memories to last a lifetime and features custom map jewelry, gorgeous amazonite stones, starfish accents, and compass jewelry to guide you on all of your summer journeys. Whether you’re heading out on